About Me

Jennifer Eason

Hey everyone, I’m Jen and welcome to The Breath Studio!
Breathwork and meditation are staples in my daily life and have been pivotal in my own healing journey.

After suffering sexual trauma and abuse, my life was plagued with anxiety, PTSD and depression. I fell out of alignment with my true self and sought years of psychotherapy and CBT to combat my highly-sensitive state. These modalities did help at the time, but I still felt this deep-rooted trauma was impacting how I lived my life.

I exercised obsessively to provide escapism from my own mind and squash the feelings that plagued me. It overrode everything in my life and was my ‘happy pill’. I had no control of my mind, but I could control my body and ended up punishing it. I was living in a constant state of stress.

However, someone once said to me 'you can run from the shadow, but it will always catch up with you in the end'...and they were right.

After giving birth to my second child I pushed my body to the max because the emotions and depression had resurfaced and exercise numbed what I was too scared to confront. My body, on the other hand, had a different plan. It had spent years holding onto stored trauma that was suppressed for too long and I had ignored the persistent physical ailments that were trying to get my attention. My nervous system was so dysregulated, my body was weak and my pelvis stopped functioning properly.

I spent almost a year struggling to walk, unable to hold my baby and walking up the stairs became my daily achievement. I no longer had exercise to lean on and I was in chronic pain. I felt helpless.

Confined to my home, I immersed myself with breathwork and meditation and fell in love with the practice. It was so transformational for my healing as I learned to turn inwards, be still with my feelings and focus on the power of the breath. I faced emotions that I didn't even release were still within me and it allowed me to put my situation into perspective.

For the first time in decades I was breathing properly, I slept better and my anxiety lessened. My physical pain started to decrease and, together with seeing my amazing physiotherapist and weekly mind body therapy, I began to get stronger, both physically and emotionally.

I felt different, I felt free and I knew I had to share this amazing tool with people because the breath really is a super power and more people need to realise the impact it can have on how they experience life.

I trained and certified as a breathwork practitioner and knew I had found my purpose. My mission is to now empower you to take control of your breath by improving sub-optimal breathing patterns, disrupting negative thought patterns and releasing stress so that you can live a calmer, happier life.

Witness how the magic of breathwork can truly change how you think, feel and perform. Believe me, your nervous system will thank you for it!

Much love,

Jen x

Change your breath, change your life.