Find your calm…

Change your breath, change your life.

Discover the power of your breath and see it transform your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing.

Breathe with me

Breathwork is so much more than breathing in and out. In fact, the breath is the most powerful tool we possess.

But the true magic happens when we bring awareness to our breath and begin to understand and optimise how we breathe. We can then use this to transform how we live our lives and enhance all aspects of our health.

Anxiety, depression, chronic illness and stress can all feel overwhelming- and I completely understand because I have been there. But let’s look at it from a different perspective. The body is a messenger sending you signals and the more you resist, the more the symptoms persist. Once you surrender control and learn to let go, you can vastly improve your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

I offer small group classes and workshops, but for those who don’t feel comfortable in a group setting, I also offer 1:1 functional assessments. So whether you want to improve how you breathe, navigate through a difficult time or want to heal any deep rooted trauma, I can support you on your breathwork journey.


Join Me…

My classes are the perfect introduction to breathwork for both beginners and those already established on their journey of the breath.

A safe & supportive space to breathe…

  • "Since starting my private sessions with Jen, my breathing has greatly improved and I feel so much better".

    Jane P, 1:1 client

  • "I always leave my breathwork sessions feeling relaxed and calm...its wonderful!"

    Patricia H, client

  • "Jen always makes me feel comfortable and her passion shines through as soon as you meet her"

    Lucy K, client

My services

“The breath is the pathway to inner stillness”.


Do I need to bring anything with me?

No - I provide all mats, blankets and water.

How many people will be in class?

Classes will range from 6-8 people maximum.

What should I wear to a class?

There is no dress code - just wear some comfortable, loose clothing and perhaps bring some warm, cosy socks!

What is your cancellation policy?

You can cancel a booking up to 24 hours before the class. Any cancellations made within the 24 hour period will not be refunded.

What will I sit on?

During my sessions we will be lying down on mats, but I provide bolsters, cushions and eye pillows for your comfort!

What time do I need arrive

To ensure the class starts on time, I ask that people arrive 5-10 minutes so they can also get comfortable.

If you have any questions, please just drop me an email at: and we can have a chat!

Start your breathwork journey today